

Hello there! You can call me Henrique. The main purpose of this website is to share some interesting things I find on the world wide web and the projects of mine. Feel free to reach out on Github or LinkedIn.

My setup

Nothing fancy to be honest. Since I spend most of my time inside Emacs, I don’t really rice my computer. I’ve been through that phase though. Remaping keybindings, customising themes, colourschemes etc. Today things are simpler for me. Just my Emacs and Vim config and that’s it. Even the i3 window manager I try to stick to the defaults.

Here are some of my configs:

Dotfiles [still need to add Guix]: https://github.com/henrique-marques-vsoft/dotfiles/
Emacs: https://github.com/henrique-marques-vsoft/pachemacs


The Charybdis by Bastard Keyboards

2nd photo Right now I’m using the Charybdis. It simply feels “correct” to type with this.
The only drawback from this keyboard is the price, but I don’t think you will find a dactyl for a cheap price.
As far as I know, there’s no company mass producing that type of keyboard.
But at the end I think it’s worth it, at least for me it is.

The Sofle V1 by Mechboards UK

1st photo The other one I have (but don’t use very much anymore) is the Sofle V1 that I bought from Mechboards UK. It was very nice to type on a low profile keyboard. It’s not so expansive as the Charybdis.